
You’ve arrived at my blog and website, and if you’re wondering about the person behind the blog, I’m Harold Shinsato, an experienced team and technical coach, a public speaker, software developer, Open Space Technology facilitator, systemic constellation facilitator, co-founder of Montana Code School, board member of the Open Space Institute of the U.S.

My last name means new hometown, or new milestone in Japanese. It reflects the feeling of Hawaiian Ohana that I hope to help spread, to help realize a healthy global village that has a feeling of home. Both my parents were born in Hawaii, and the word Ohana is Hawaiian for a spirit of family, immediate and extended, biological and intentional.

Computers can be devastatingly frustrating and alienating, but they also have the power to help extend the global nervous system and bring us closer together as the family of humankind. Having been educated at MIT with a computer science degree in the 1980’s, and then having had that education continued in Silicon Valley and the Palo Alto Research Center, I also have been trained as an improvisational actor at San Francisco’s Bay Area Theater Sports. And I’ve been on the stage several times in California and Montana. I’m also an International Coaching Federation certified coach through the Coaches Training Institute. See my coaching page to learn more.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Always a good thing to run into another Shinsato. Just finding out what our name means. I was told it means new village. 🙂

  2. Hi, Howard! As your “Prosperity Partner” in Wendy’s class, I’m visiting your website to learn more about your world and vision. Let’s hear it for Ohana! I wonder how we will work together…

  3. I was just browsing. I showed Mom your brief video on the site. It’s interesting to see some of your thoughts. I’m sorry I don’t understand everything and can’t relate. But I listened to the woman who was giving guidance to artists on how to be successful. I wish I had something creative to offer this world.

  4. Hi Kathy – I know you have something creative to offer. One of the things that Wendy Keilin teaches is that you need to focus your “niche” for your products. Maybe it’s easier to offer something to a niche than to “the world”. I’m not necessarily a big fan of “the world” right now, it seems to chew people up and spit them out. Jesus said “Love thy neighbor”. Maybe that’s the same as “serve thy niche”.

  5. Great work Harold. I was surfing as well and came upon your website. Mahalo.

  6. Hi, Harold. It’s always nice to meet another Shinsato.

    Aubrey posted a note in 2010 about the meaning of Shinsato. It does mean “New Village.” On the mainland (everywhere but Okinawa), it is pronounced “Nii-zato.”

    Cheers, Doug

  7. It is great to meet a kindred spirit . . someone who is sincerely wishing to help create a better world.

    I do believe it is ‘our time’. Namaste and Espavo

  8. It was a pleasure working alongside you with TD Ameritrade. I appropriate all of your leadership and professional advice in the Agile space and as I embark on a new journey will certainly never forget what I have learned from you.

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