I’ve put off publishing this a while, but a friend reminded me of the value of Seth Godin’s book, Tribes, and I have to put out the word. Jeanette Russel, of Democracy in Action, interviewed me after a talk I gave to the NTen Club in Missoula earlier this year, and which she posted to YouTube. It was about adoption curves and the need to lead and develop tribes – communities of interest – around the mission of their non-profits. But being aware of this need to grow a tribe and the need to be a leader is valid for all endeavors and the landscape has changed dramatically making this need even more critical today.

Seth Godin is one sharp cookie. How’s the NTen Wii Bowling tribe doing? I’ll become a fan on Facebook if you make a page for it…
No Wii Bowling at NTen that I know of. It was the Missoula Linux Users Group that I mentioned had a Wii Bowling League. That wasn’t really serious, but the MLUG’ers do have Wii game nights occasionally.
How about an NTen chapter of the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers? I started one at Apple (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204136692)